Microsoft Office Upgrade From 2011

After releasing their Office 365 subscription service and Office 2013 earlier today, Microsoft has released a critical update for Office for Mac 2011. The Office for Mac Service Pack 3 (14.3) update contains a number of bug fixes, and adds support for Microsoft’s new Office 365 subscription program.

  1. Microsoft Office 2011 Download Pc
  2. Microsoft Office 2011 For Windows 10

Office 2016 is slower, prone to crash, takes much more memory and battery, and some useful features of 2011 have been left out of 2016 (esp. Concerning customization). The interface of 2016 is nicer looking like a combination of Office 2016 for windows and Office for iPad (mostly the latter). Office 2011 for Mac support has ended Upgrade to Microsoft 365 to work anywhere from any device and continue to receive support. This week Microsoft has two groovy deals going to help Mac fans jump onto the Microsoft Office boat. If you want to score on Office 2011 for Mac Business edition for a bargain, upgrade pricing is. Upgrade your Windows 7 devices to Windows 10 for continued security and feature updates and ongoing support. If you choose not to upgrade now, your Office apps will continue to run according to the timelines. However, to get security updates or new and improved features, you need to upgrade. Upgrade from Office 2007 servers and clients.

From the release notes:

Microsoft has released an update for Microsoft Office for Mac 2011. In addition to the application improvements mentioned in this article, Office for Mac 2011 is now available as a subscription offering. For more information about subscription, see the Frequently Asked Questions.

This update provides the latest fixes to Office for Mac 2011. These include the following:

  • Meeting invitation times are displayed inaccurately in Outlook for Mac
    Fixes an issue that causes meeting invitation times from non-Exchange calendar servers to be off by one hour during certain times of the year.
  • Slides in collapsed sections cover other slides in Slide Sorter view in PowerPoint for Mac
    Fixes a display issue that involves collapsed sections in Slide Sorter view.
  • Hash tags (#) in hyperlinks aren’t saved correctly in PowerPoint for Mac
    Fixes an issue in which hyperlinks that contain hash tags (#) aren’t saved correctly.
  • Crash occurs when you use Paste Special with a partial table in PowerPoint for Mac
    Fixes an issue that causes PowerPoint to crash when you use the Paste Special option to copy and paste part of a table.
  • RTF text that’s saved in PowerPoint for Windows can’t be pasted into PowerPoint for Mac
    Fixes an issue in which RTF text that’s saved in PowerPoint for Windows can’t be copied and pasted into PowerPoint for Mac.

Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac Service Pack 3 is available now through Microsoft AutoUpdate, as well as direct download from Microsoft’s website.

July 21st, 2011

After yesterday’s furious update of Mac OS X Lion and a whole bunch of apps, I finally got around to trying my new version of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel this morning. Microsoft Word templates gave me some grief, Mac OS X Lion doesn’t even want me to see my Library folder now, I had to trick Finder into going to it. Then one of my document templates, basically the biggest most elaborate one seems to crash Microsoft Word.

Onward to Excel…

The spreadsheets I was working on most recently worked. In fact Excel seemed to be working solidly. Even the first spreadsheet with VBA that I tried, created during my first period of post-MBA unemployment worked well enough, the second one I tried, not so well. Two of the charts I was generating with VBA no longer seem to generate. No errors were thrown, just blank worksheets. I had to fire up Microsoft’s VBA editor for the first time in a long time, and I had forgotten how much I dislike VBA syntax. Maybe some kind soul can quickly spot what is wrong. It appears I followed some advice on using the Macro Recorder to record the VBA needed to create the exact chart I wanted. I vaguely remember doing this from 2006.

Here are the two methods that should draw the charts, all my calculations seem to be working though I haven’t tried every permutation. This was an elaborate spreadsheet with a lot of VBA. I spent weeks working on it, I’m not looking forward to having to fix it.

Private Function graphMarketShare()
' This graphs the monthy market share as a percentage
Dim marketShareChart As Chart
Dim myRangeString As String
Dim rowsOfData As IntegerrowsOfData = Range('Rows_In_WorkArea').ValuemyRangeString = 'E2' & ':' & 'E' & (rowsOfData + 1)' Delete previous chart
Sheets('Market Share').ChartObjects.Delete
Set marketShareChart = Charts.Add
Set marketShareChart = marketShareChart.Location(Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:='Market Share')
With marketShareChart
' I think some of this stuff is redundent but the macro recorder did it and the output looks fine
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets('WorkArea').Range(myRangeString), PlotBy:=xlColumns
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Text = 'Monthly Market Share'
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = 'Months'
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False
.HasAxis(xlCategory, xlPrimary) = False
.HasAxis(xlValue, xlPrimary) = True
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).CategoryType = xlAutomatic
.HasLegend = False ' only graphing one thing so no need for a legend
End WithmarketShareChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = '='Market Share''
End Function

I made a lot of methods like this over time and the ones I checked in the first spreadsheet alphabetically seemed to work, even one or two charts are successfully created in this spreadsheet. I fear I shall have to re-learn VBA syntax and how to debug it all over again. Here is the other chart that isn’t being created:

Private Function graphMarketSize()
' Graphs total market size
Dim marketSizeChart As Chart
Dim myRangeString As String
Dim rowsOfData As IntegerrowsOfData = Range('Rows_In_WorkArea').ValuemyRangeString = 'D2' & ':' & 'D' & (rowsOfData + 1)Sheets('Market Size').ChartObjects.Delete
Set marketSizeChart = Charts.Add
Set marketSizeChart = marketSizeChart.Location(Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:='Market Size')
With marketSizeChart
.ChartType = xlLine
.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets('WorkArea').Range(myRangeString), PlotBy:=xlColumns
.SeriesCollection(1).Name = '='Market Size''
.HasLegend = False ' only graphing one thing so no need for a legend
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Text = 'Market Size'
.HasAxis(xlCategory, xlPrimary) = False
.HasAxis(xlValue, xlPrimary) = True
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = 'Months'
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).CategoryType = xlAutomatic
End With
End Function

That is enough VBA for this morning. I still have PHP to debug. For the record I can’t think of two languages I dislike more than I’ve been forced to work with due to their popularity than VBA and PHP.

Debugging VBA

Just for fun I ran the first method in the debugger, as Microsoft VBA slowly comes back to me. It worked! I took a screen shot of the graph it created and everything. Now why wouldn’t it worked when called as part of the entire process?

Sometimes problems solve themselves

All seems to be well in Microsoft Excel/VBA land after all. Maybe I missed something all those years ago, but it appears the code is working, it just needed time to warm up.

Microsoft Office 2011 Download Pc

Another thing I’ve been doing is updating the document type on these spreadsheets, at least the local development copy on my hard drive. They now have to be .xlsm which is Microsoft Excel’s XML based file format that supports VBA and macros. Apparently only a small minority of people care enough about Excel to use VBA & macros so now we have our own special file format. The copies on my webserver, those linked to way above for instance are still .xls formatted documents. Let me know if they don’t work and you’d like them replaced with .xlsm documents.

More Excel Observations

Microsoft Office 2011 For Windows 10

I use a lot more of the features of Excel perhaps than I do of Word on a regular basis, or I’ve just been forced to in ensuring that the Excel files I made available online still work. I keep loading old Excel files and discovering that a lot of stuff has changed in seven years, at least graphically. At some point for myself or someone else I made an Excel spreadsheet to demonstrate “filtering”. Here is a screen shot from that spreadsheet in Microsoft Office 2011.

It also should be noted that in most cases when I open one of my old Excel files especially a more elaborate one I get a warning saying “Data May Be Lost”, hence why I’ve been checking many different Excel documents that I spent many, many hours creating and editing over the years. Here is a pretty graph I made as part of my MBA Internship at Noratek:

Maybe if I just keep posting screenshots of fancy Excel spreadsheets I made in a past life someone will notice and offer me a job. If you have any other career or Excel advice you can leave it below.

This entry was originaly posted on , it was last edited on and is filed under: Information Technology and tagged: Apple, Mac OS X Lion, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office.