Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes

Latest release notes for Logic Pro X 10.3.2. See what's new, what's fixed, and what's improved in the most recent revision of Logic Pro X. Obviously the Logic team haven't been resting on their laurels since. The latest update, 10.3.1, is focused on bug fixes across the board and a solitary new feature: support for AudioUnit 3 for virtual MIDI ports. Here's the complete list of all the enhancements and fixes in Logic Pro X 10.3.1 via the Logic Pro X 10.3 release notes.

New in Logic Pro X 10.3.3

New Features/Enhancements

  • Logic Pro X now supports up to 36 cores.
  • Sculpture and Amp Designer are now optimized for iMac Pro, and deliver up to 12 times the performance compared to previous versions.
  • Sculpture offers a new high-definition mode that provides higher string resolution.

Stability and Reliability

  • Loops, Channel Strip settings and other content are again available on Macs using APFS (Apple File System), and on which Logic 8 or Logic 9 had been installed prior to Logic Pro X.
  • Logic no longer quits unexpectedly:
    • Sometimes when user loops created in Logic Pro X 10.0.7 – 10.1.1 are dragged into the Tracks area.
    • When adjusting the left corner off a region in projects that contain an Environment Macro that includes a Sysex fader.
    • When the Enter key is pressed to start a bounce while the mouse is being used to adjust the start or end point of the bounce.
    • When the Tracks menu is selected while the Audio File Editor is open with no audio region loaded.
    • When Repeat Section is used on a region in an Electronic Drummer track.
    • When previewing audio in the Audio Bin after enabling Transient Editing in the Audio File Editor.
    • Sometimes when on a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar the Shift key is used to add to the region selection in the Tracks area where the Score window has focus.
    • When the Shift and Option keys are used while adjusting the length of notes in an independent Event List window.
    • Sometimes when inserting Program Change events into the Piano Roll in MIDI Draw view.
    • When right-clicking a line break in the Score.
    • When pressing OK to confirm a clef change in the Score.
    • Logic no longer sometimes hangs when the “Convert Sustain Pedal to Note Length” Score function is used.


  • Sidechain detection is no longer delayed when the side chain source is a Software Instrument track in Live Mode.
  • Latency compensation now works reliability with plug-ins inserted as Dual Mono or Multichannel.
  • Amp Designer no longer sometimes changes gain unexpectedly after stopping or repositioning the Playhead.
  • Tracks that include MIDI plug-ins again play back when frozen.
  • Scripter now reliably transmits MIDI events on time in scripts that start with a Needs TimingInfo = true statement.
  • Software Instrument tracks that include a Scripter plug-in no longer sometimes reset the instrument to a default sound when the project is reloaded or the audio driver is relaunched.
  • Tracks using the EXS24 Coffee Shop Percussion or Latin Percussion instruments now play in sync when triggered by the Scripter “Drum Probability Sequencer” script.


  • Alchemy no longer fails to show its installed Library in certain very rare cases.


  • The Piano Roll now reliably shows velocity bars on notes the first time it is opened after recording MIDI into a new project.
  • The Piano Roll again shows MIDI notes as they are being recorded.
  • The length display of notes in the Event List is now reliably correct in projects that include time signature changes.
  • The Step Editor now updates immediately as notes are moved using the Finger Tool.
  • Vertical Auto-zoom again works correctly in the Audio Track Editor.
  • The keystroke combination to temporarily limit dragging to one direction in the Piano Roll again works as expected.
  • Roland U-110 synth modules no longer display a check sum error when an associated Sysex Fader in the Environment is adjusted.
  • It is again possible to create velocity ramps in MIDI Draw that maintain the existing relative values of note velocities.


  • It is again possible to modify the start and end time of a bounce using Voiceover
  • The VoiceOver cursor now reliably remains functional when shortening a region at all zoom levels.
  • Navigating into an open Take Folder with VoiceOver no longer causes a continuous system beep.
  • Switching from the Main Window Piano Roll to the Score with Voiceover no longer causes the editor to close.
  • Using the Shift key with the cursor with VoiceOver to adjust the granularity of movement while positioning the Playhead no longer causes a Logic is Busy alert or an unexpected hang.
  • Adjusting the loop length of a Drummer region with VoiceOver no longer causes the loop handle to sometimes jump unexpectedly to the next region in the track.


  • There is no longer a large unexpected offset when inserting objects into the score in page mode in documents with multiple pages.
  • Brackets for Guide Accidentals in the Score are again visible as expected.

Track Alternatives

  • Packing regions into a folder no longer causes Track Alternatives on other tracks to disappear.
  • Hidden Track Alternatives that are packed into a Folder no longer display in the wrong position when viewed inside the Folder.


  • Bouncing a project while Logic is downloading content no longer sometimes results in bounced files with corrupted audio.
  • Mono tracks that contain Mono > Stereo plug-ins again playback as stereo after they are frozen.


  • Comping now works correctly when the “Select Tracks on Region Selection” preference is turned on.

Control Surfaces/MIDI Controllers

  • Waveform zoom again works as expected with Mackie C4 control surfaces.
  • Logic no longer displays an incorrect “Incompatible EuCon version” error with EuCon software version 3.7.


  • Movies now play back when the Show/Hide Movie command is used while the movie preview is closed in the Inspector.


  • MIDI settings for External Instruments that are saved as part of a Patch are now reliably maintained when the patch is reloaded.
  • Setting a Track Delay on an External MIDI track no longer sometimes affects the timing and note lengths of notes on other tracks.
  • The note overview of MIDI regions now updates immediately to reflect changes to the region content when Automation is visible.
  • Notes sent to External MIDI tracks no longer sometimes hang when using Rewind or Rewind by Division when there is a Track Delay set for the External Instrument track.
  • Custom icons now are reliably sorted into the correct order on Macs with APFS formatted drives.
  • Logic now successfully create project backups on macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
  • The Musical Grid now shows reliably when it is set as the secondary ruler.
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Logic Pro X 10.2.4 includes the following changes.

Stability / Reliability
Logic Pro X no longer quits unexpectedly:
  • Sometimes when opening or creating a project.
  • Sometimes when picking an icon for a Drum Machine Designer cell.
  • When rubber band selecting a group of notes in the Piano Roll immediately after changing screen sets.
  • When initializing a connected Mackie HUI control surface.
  • When the currently active audio device is disconnected and then reconnected.
  • When selecting Import Audio from an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu.
  • When using an Alchemy SOURCES pop-up menu to import audio on a system that includes a mounted volume whose name begins with a Unicode 2-byte character.
  • When a file with a name containing 2-byte characters is dragged onto the Current or Reference button of the Match EQ plug-in.


  • Opening the extended parameters of Retro Synth in OS X Yosemite no longer sometimes triggers an Internal Error alert.
  • There is no longer a glitch at the beginning of a skip cycle area when Cycle Pre-Processing is enabled.
  • Quantizing notes on a Software Instrument track during playback no longer sometimes causes audio dropouts.
  • Stepping through Alchemy presets no longer causes the memory usage of Logic Pro to rise unexpectedly.
  • Alchemy no longer causes Logic Pro memory usage to rise unexpectedly when stepping though samples using the source left/right buttons.


  • It is once again possible to Shift-click to select non-contiguous notes in the Piano Roll editor.
  • Pressing Option-Shift while adjusting the Piano Roll Velocity slider again sets all notes to the same velocity as expected.
  • It is once again possible to use the pointer to rubber-band select MIDI Draw points that were created with a MIDI channel setting of All.
  • It is no longer possible to inadvertently set the length of a note to 0 ticks in the Event Editor or the Step Editor.


  • Addresses a rare automation related issue that could cause a bypassed Send on a muted Channel Strip to remain active.
  • Duplicating a track now reliably duplicates all plug-in parameter values.
  • Clicking Cancel in the dialog shown when deleting an Aux in the mixer that is assigned to a track no longer deletes the Aux.
  • Solo now works on channels routed to mono outputs higher than Output 1 or 2.
  • Soloing a channel strip routed to a mono output no longer unexpectedly mutes the right output.
  • Soloing an output above 1—2 now mutes Output 1—2 as expected.
  • Duplicating a track now also duplicates its track notes.

Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes Template


  • VoiceOver again properly announces selected regions.

Logic 10 3 2 Release Notes Chapter 2


  • Audio is now routed properly from Audio Unit-based multi-output instruments in projects saved in previous versions of Logic Pro X.
  • When importing drum kits into Ultrabeat, the Import Kit name is again properly displayed.
  • Instances of the Tremolo plug-in with a rate set to a Hz value are no longer reset to 32 bars when the project is loaded.


  • Joining audio regions when Low Latency mode is enabled no longer sometimes leads to the new region being shifted to an incorrect position.
  • If the Toolbar Replace button is activated while the Project Settings > Recording window is open, all the Overlapping Recordings settings now switch from Toggle to Replace.
  • Autopunch recording on MIDI tracks now behaves as expected when Record > Overlapping MIDI Recordings > Replace is enabled.
  • Manually punching in and out in Replace mode now works properly with MIDI regions.
  • When recording MIDI in Replace mode with Cycle enabled, playing MIDI before the start of the Cycle no longer causes the measure before the Cycle start to be replaced.
  • Dragging an Apple Loops file into a track with a custom name no longer renames the track.
  • It is once again possible to assign a custom key command to the Discard Last Recording and Return to Last Play Position command.
  • Editing notes in the mixer notepad no longer sometimes causes custom fonts to reset, or text to be unexpectedly duplicated.
  • Text pasted into an existing note now properly takes on the color of the existing text, and doesn’t cause the existing text to change to the default color.
  • It is once again possible to rename files and regions in the Project File browser using a key command. The key command is now assignable and is called “Rename.”
  • It is once again possible to enter text into the patch name cell within the Multi-Instrument object in the Environment window.
  • It is once again possible to extend the selection of an audio file beyond the current visible area in Impulse Response Utility.